10 Trends That Are Destroying Modern Movies

7. Everything€'s Moving To China

Pacific Rim 2

The end of Transformers: Age Of Extinction has the action suddenly transplanted to Hong Kong. The rift in Pacific Rim was placed so the Kaiju could attack many different countries, allowing for a major action set piece in Hong Kong. Looper sees young Joe turn into old Joe in the backdrop of Shanghai, the same city Bond visited in Skyfall. Iron Man 3 even had an extra special additional fifteen minutes available only in Chinese theatres. Gee, movies sure are spending a lot of time in China.

The financial reason behind these very similar decisions is simple: there€'s a lot of money in the Chinese box office. Transformers 4 and Terminator Genisys all cleaned up in the far East, contributing more to the films' overall box office than America. So it'€s now abundantly clear; to be really successful you need to crack China. And the easiest way to do it is set your movie there.

The likes of Skyfall, with its luridly-lit fight scenes, and Pacific Rim, with its multicultural cast, made this location baiting feel like a natural part of the movie, but the more prolific it becomes the more unoriginal it€'ll be.

Audiences are tired of our heroes always fighting the forces of evil in American cities, but within a few years the lethargy of seeing them do more of the same in Hong Kong will begin to set in.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.