10 Trends That Are Destroying Modern Movies

5. Musical Tie-Ins Are Getting Cynically Obnoxious

Pop songs that originated on a soundtrack album need not be terrible. Take That'€s Rule The World came to life as Stardust€'s end credits song, while The Smashing Pumpkin€s' The End Is The Beginning Is The End (which went on to win a Grammy) originates from the soundtrack of Batman And Robin (arguably the one good thing to come out of that mess). So yeah, far from a bad thing. However, recent years have brought this to disturbing prominence as an example of when this really doesn'€t work.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2, How To Train Your Dragon 2 and Transformers: Age Of Extinction all feature action sequences in the movie itself that use their respective tie-in songs as the background music. It can work if it€'s a bit of silly fun (Despicable Me 2) but in these more serious movies all it does is mean in a couple of years it'€ll be more than the special effects that look dated. Maybe a few more people will buy the song, but is that worth souring the film€'s legacy?

Songs inspired by a movie were just that; you don't have Celine Dion crooning over the sinking of the Titanic because the film doesn't need it. Putting a song over action is the domain of YouTube montage makers, not the people making the film in the first place.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.