10 Trends That Are Destroying Modern Movies

3. Product Placement Has Been Turned Up To Eleven

Corporations paying huge sums to get their product featured in a movie is far from a new trend in cinema, but now it€'s beginning to have a noticeable detrimental effect. There€'s nothing wrong with a studio getting some help with the budget by having a few Budweiser signs pop up and even though Casino Royale's Omega joke was a bit cringe-worthy, it was all a bit of fun.

The same isn'€t true when pretty much every blockbuster has multiple scenes that pull you out thanks to its in-your-face advertising; Magneto€'s raising of the RFK Stadium was cool, but all we could focus on was those giant, pseudo-period adverts for Bud and Pepsi.

Each year it feels like the number of films mocked en masse by the fan community for their level of advertising is increasing.

Again not a newly emerged issue, it's continuing to get worse. Done right product placement is subliminal advertising that finds its way into the film. The way things are going, the film will be working its way around the adverts.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.