10 Trends That Are Killing Movies

8. Ensemble "Comedies"

Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve are equally dreadful films from the same team of filmmakers, who are working only because of their inconceivable talent to bring together a cavalcade of A-list-to-C-list actors on a relatively modest budget. It doesn't matter if the plot's good, or if the actor's can even be bothered; having these people together should make for definite movie magic, or so the makers of these films clearly think. From a marketing perspective, it's an absolute dream, as the prevailing feeling is that there will be something for everyone here; the tweens have Zac Efron, artsy types have De Niro, music fans have Bon Jovi, and the rom-com crowd have...everyone else. The problem is that there's no quality control; these films are greenlit on the basis of who can be roped in to star, and we expect the script is messily cobbled together in between phoning every agent on the Rolodex. Thankfully, the latest offering, New Year's Eve, was a box office disappointment, so we can just hope that the torture stops there. I mean, seriously, where does it go next, Easter Morning?
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.