10 Tricks That Made Mad Max: Fury Road So Awesome

7. Shooting Over 480 Hours Of Footage Meant They Got The Good Stuff

Fury Road is, essentially, one long sequence. Which means that, in the words of Charlize Theron, €œwe shot one big scene for 138 days.€ It made things difficult for the actors at times €“ Furiosa herself said €œeveryday you show up and you don€™t really know where you are in that scene€ €“ but it meant George Miller could make sure everything was right. And when you're shooting for that long with a lot of practical effects and stunts, there isn't really a margin of error. Still, Miller managed to squeeze a heck of a lot of shooting into that period, with the €œone long scene€ thing meaning they didn't have to move to different settings or swap in other actors all that much. All in all, it's estimated that over 480 hours of footage of Fury Road exist. That's about three weeks. Most films can't afford to have that much unused footage.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/