10 Truly Chilling Documentary Films

5. Waltz With Bashir

Waltzwithbashir For as long as you're watching movies, you'll never see anything quite like Waltz with Bashir. Set as an exploration into the haunted memories of those involved in the 1982 Lebanon War, the film is a documentary like no other: gloriously animated, magnificently brave, and utterly, utterly chilling from start to finish. Perhaps the most incredible aspect of Waltz with Bashir is the way which the film's creator sits at its centre. Throughout the movie, director Ali Folman conducts a brutally honest self-examination about his time served as a soldier in the Israel Defence Forces during the Lebanon War. Folman lost significant chunks of his memory during this time, and uses this film as an opportunity to attempt to find out how and why he is unable to remember certain wartime events. The discoveries Folman makes are enough to shake each viewer to their very core, and Waltz with Bashir is a film that is pioneering not only in terms of its glossy animation, but in its sincere confrontation of notions of guilt, violence, and humanity.
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