10 Unanswered Horror Movie Questions That Keep Us Up At Night

9. What€™s Up With The Guy In The Dog Costume? (The Shining 1980)

This is one of the most often asked questions with a very concrete answer. As a terrorized Wendy (Shelley Duvall) runs through the Outlook Hotel in hopes of saving herself and her son she sees a man in a dog costume fellating a man in a tuxedo. We never see them again nor are they ever mentioned. This is a small storyline in the novel The Shining. While Jack is reliving a masque ball that happened in the 1920s at the Overlook he sees a man in a dog costume chasing after Horace Derwent a wealthy Howard Hughes like figure. The man in the dog costume is Derwent€™s former lover who is trying to get him back. Kubrick chose to include a flash of this scene but never explain it. It is another layer and story that exists solely in the Overlook Hotel.

10. How Did Malcolm Not Know He Was Dead? (The Sixth Sense 1999)

For real. How? The closest explanation I can get is that Malcolm was a jerk. Throughout the rest of the film the ghosts we see are continuously reliving their deaths, whereas Malcolm seems perfectly content helping Cole. This obviously includes other questions such as, who hired him? How is he getting paid? How does he keep winding up sitting silently at tables with lonely women? The excuses given in the film mainly consist of the fact that he had been neglecting his marriage. To be honest, if sitting in silence at the dinner table didn€™t tip him off that he was dead, he would have eventually died alone.

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Alexandra has written about horror films for the Toronto Star, Famous Monsters of Filmland, Rue Morgue and her own blog Scare Tactic. She lives, works and survives in Canada.