10 Unbelievable Movies Based On True Stories

7. Primeval

Primeval is a film that, despite openly admitting that it is, in fact, based on a true story, is something you probably won't even realise. You know why? Take one look at the DVD case and try and take the film seriously as anything more than a ridiculous B-movie concoction with absolutely no basis in reality. The film paints itself as an absurd monster movie - which it is - despite the fact that the central premise actually isn't very far removed from real events at all. The movie is set in the African region of Burundi, where an American news crew travels to capture footage of the man-eating crocodile known only as Gustave. He reportedly measures up to 30 feet in length and has devoured over 300 people during his life time. And what are the facts exactly? In Burundi, there is a crocodile also known as Gustave; he has also killed around 300 people, though "only" measures about 20 feet in length. Much like the film, news crews continue to document his movements, though he apparently hasn't been sighted in around five years. Though the stand-off against the creature is all the stuff of nonsense, props to a B-movie for actually surprising us and simply exaggerating a real-life menace rather than coming up with something totally absurd.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.