10 Unbelievable Sports Stories Hollywood Should Turn Into Movies

3. Jockey Ralph Neves Dies, Comes Back To Life And Demands To Continue Racing

Pitch: Seabiscuit meets Night of the Living Dead Jockey Ralph Neves remained motionless after being thrown from his horse during a race on May 8, 1936. Neves showed no vital signs and was pronounced dead to the somber crowd. His body was taken to the morgue, and doctors gave him a shot of adrenaline as a last resort. Minutes later he sat up, ran out of the morgue in only his riding pants and a single boot, and hailed a taxi back to the racetrack where he demanded to be allowed to continue racing. Instead, the surprised crowd began celebrating his miraculous recovery. Neves not only raced the next day, he continued racing for another 28 years after his €œdeath€ and was inducted in the United States Racing Hall of Fame. He died in 1995 €“ for real this time. If coming back to life wasn't notable enough, Neves also served in World War II and worked as a stunt rider in Hollywood. While it isn€™t quite The Walking Dead, is there any doubt a movie about the true story of a jockey coming back from the dead would be a hit?
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Chris McKittrick is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and has spoken about film and comic books at conferences across the United States. In addition to his work at WhatCulture!, he is a regular contributor to CreativeScreenwriting.com, MovieBuzzers.com, and DailyActor.com, a website focused on acting in all media. For more information, visit his website at http://www.chrismckit.com.