10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

1. What Happened To Younglings And Padawans Who Failed Their Training

Unbelievable Star Wars Facts Mace Windu Star Wars

Largely because it's hardly touched on during the Star Wars Skywalker Saga, promising younglings and padawans failing their training and the trials was actually a more common occurrence than you realised.

But rather than just booting these potential Jedi out of the temple doors and welcoming in the next batch of new Force-sensitive souls, the Order had those who still wanted to do their part to help join the Jedi Service Corps.

This group still served the Galactic Republic, either due to the fact they simply wanted to help or had abilities that made them useful, but they weren't lightsaber wielders. Though when the Clone Wars kicked off, it didn't take long for the Service Corps to militarise.

And within the Service Corps were four separate branches.

The Agriculture Corps: a group focused on researching plants from around the galaxy.

The Explorer Corps: a team that discovered many of the galaxy's lost secrets and mapped out many of the galaxy's hyperspace routes.

The Medical Corps: those who assisted in the healing of folks.

And the Education Corps: teachers who passed on their knowledge to the next generation.

Not everyone who washed out of the academy opted to join, of course, with some understandably packing their bags and leaving the life of the Jedi behind for good after failing their training.

However, for those who weren't ready to just walk away from such a massive part of their life, the Jedi Service Corps was a sort of second chance at making a difference in this galaxy far, far away...

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