10 Unbelievable Star Wars Facts That Are Somehow True

3. Han And Chewie Share The ONE Bathroom On The Millennium Falcon

Unbelievable Star Wars Facts Mace Windu Star Wars

Here's one that's probably and quite understandably never crossed your mind.

The bestest of space pals known as Han Solo and Chewbacca spent years soaring across the galaxy in their equally iconic Millennium Falcon. And with all that time blasting through hyperspace and just generally existing on that YT-1300 light freighter, naturally the pair would have needed somewhere to, you know... do their business.

And this is where the rather unbelievable truth comes in.

The bloke from Corellia and the mountain of fur from Kashyyyk shared the very same bathroom on the Falcon - a.k.a. a refresher in this galaxy far, far away.

As seen in Solo: A Star Wars Story, Wookiees certainly are fond of a shower. So, you can bet Han spent more than a few mornings having to pluck out his pal's unmistakable hair or using the crapper in the wake of nature calling for Chewie. That's assuming the big guy poops like your average humanoid, of course.

Admittedly, installing a second bathroom may have taken up a little too much space in the ol' bird. But an additional refresher surely would have made both crew members' lives that little bit easier, right?

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