10 Uncharacteristically Competent Actions By Dumb Movie Characters

3. Russell Casse Saves The Day (Independence Day)

It's a little bit harsh to call Russell Casse "dumb", given that his stories about aliens turned out to be true - but he certainly seemed to be one slice short of a full loaf despite that fact. Mocked by his peers for his claims of alien abduction (a story which remained unproven, despite the fact he was right about the existence of aliens), Casse was ostensibly not the brightest candle in the box and had a bit of a reputation for generally having a few screws loose. However, he would come good in the end. Not only did he use his astute flying ability to take on the alien invaders in basic combat, he would also prove himself to be a noble, brave and outright decent man by using kamikaze tactics to bring down a large alien ship. After his missile had jammed, but knowing there was an opportunity to exploit the aliens' shield failure, Casse flew his plane straight in to the ship's weak spot, causing it to explode and fall to the ground and dying in the process. He lived like a bit of a moron, but he died a hero.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.