10 Most Underrated 90s Teen Movies

6. Wild Things

Rotten Tomatoes: 64% Much like Cruel Intentions, Wild Things is both one of the most ridiculous movies of the 1990s, and also one of the sexiest. The film helped to launch the career of Denise Richards, who would follow the film up by playing a Bond girl (badly) in The World Is Not Enough, but was also blessed with an excellent cast including Neve Campbell, Matt Dillon, Kevin Bacon and even Bill freaking Murray (who is hilarious as Dillon's lawyer). Wild Things can be picked apart until the end of time for being a sleazy and absurd erotic thriller, but boy, isn't it a lot of fun? For starters, there are two all-timer sex scenes: one between Richards and Campbell in a swimming pool, and the famous threesome scene in which Matt Dillon temporarily takes the mantle of Luckiest Actor Alive. How many times do you think he flubbed that scene on purpose? Even ignoring the salacious elements, it's a dementedly twisty thriller that keeps viewers guessing until its insane final reveal, and though the plot is silly to the point of completely straining credibility, it unfurls its daftness with a wink to the viewer. Much like Cruel Intentions, its success led to a number of unsavoury straight-to-video sequels, which you should absolutely avoid.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.