10 Underrated Performances In Obvious Cash-Grab Movies

6. Thomas Haden Church - Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-man 3 The Sandman
Sony Pictures

Coming into Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 3, fans had every reason to believe they were due yet another fantastic addition to the already cherished two prior entries in the series. However, once the massively underwhelming third Spidey outing swung its way into theatres all over the world, it was plain to see that Sony had prioritised lazily stacking the movie with familiar villainous faces over creating a compelling narrative.

Pointless shoe-horning of symbiotes aside, there was one rather delightful turn which sadly didn't get the level of respect or indeed screen-time it deserved once the finished article crash-landed spectacularly. We're talking of course about Thomas Haden Church's heart-breaking portrayal of Flint Marko, a criminal who accidentally becomes bonded to sand early in the film.

As a man trying desperately to come to grips with his new reality, whilst also trying to escape the ghosts of his past (mainly the fact he was the man responsible for Uncle Ben's death), Church's deeply layered turn deserved to be front-and-centre in Spidey 3. Unfortunately, though, it had to settle for being one of the few silver linings in one of the darkest clouds and clearest cash-grabs in superhero movie history.

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Spider-Man 3
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...