10 Underwhelming Shock Twists That Made Films Worse

7. The Forgotten - It's All Aliens 

Serenity Matthew McConaughey Anne Hathaway

In The Forgotten, Telly and her husband, Jim, try to come to terms with the death of their son, Sam. One day, Telly wakes up to learn that all proof of Sam's existence has been erased from her house. Not only that, her hubbie and her psychiatrist claim she's never had children. Days later, all evidence that Telly is married vanishes without a trace. When she bumps into Jim, he claims they've never met.

Telly then realises she's being pursued by secret agents who are doing everything in their power to stop her from learning the truth.

What is going on? Is she crazy? Is this a false reality? Is there a secret organisation that's making people forget key memories? How? Why? As you watch the story unfold, you can't think of any way to explain what's happening unless aliens are involved. So what's the big twist?

Aliens. Who kidnapped Sam and faked his death? Aliens. Who erased the memory of everyone connected to the child? Aliens. Why did they do this? Em... aliens. The annoying thing is The Forgotten starts off with a genuinely intriguing mystery, which is ruined with the most unoriginal cliche possible.

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Serenity 2018
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