10 Unexpected Horror Movie Survivors

7. Shigeharu Aoyama - Audition

The Hunt
Omega Project

If you've not had the chance to watch Takashi Miike's unsettling masterpiece Audition yet, then you'd better get on it, because it's a beautiful cacophony of disturbing imagery and compelling character work.

It tells the story of a widowed man who lets his friend set up a mock movie audition with the purpose of finding him a new wife - 'cause that's not creepy at all. This search results in him meeting the mysterious yet alluring Asami, who seems perfect. But, of course, things aren't always how they appear.

Watching Audition seems like an inevitable tumble into a gruesome murder, as it's clear Asami is gearing up for a brutal kill here with Aoyama as the target. As their relationship sours and her sordid past reveals itself, you begin thinking he'd better start putting his affairs in order.

The movie culminates with a shocking torture scene where the unfortunate (if still creepy) auditioner gets drugged with a paralytic agent, then has needles shoved in his face and his foot sawed off with a wire - ouch! When watching this for the first time, you'd think you're right on the money in predicting Aoyama's grizzly end, but his son returns home and, after a struggle, Asami is left dead. Now, that was unexpected.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!