10 Unexpected Horror Movie Survivors

5. Kazan - Cube

The Hunt
Trimark Pictures

Cube is a dizzyingly sick and slick sci-fi horror that throws gore, games and an eye-catching aesthetic your way. It's also an incredibly subversive movie that plays with the archetypal roles viewers have come to expect from the horror genre - especially by tricking you into rooting for a hero who eventually becomes the villain. Still, despite how many tropes the movie challenges, it still surprised everyone to see this character become the sole survivor.

When trapped inside the titular cube, the characters were forced to complete games/trials to survive. Eventually, they stumbled across a young man with learning difficulties. This character - Kazan - ended up being both a blessing and a curse as his ability to perform high-concept maths helped them navigate the cube, but his condition also hindered the group's involvement in the games and caused plenty of tension.

Thanks to this, it seemed clear that he would struggle to make it out alive - not just because the games were challenging but because the terrifying Quentin seemed to have it in for him. But, in the end, not only did he miraculously escape, but he was the only one. Viewers were surprised but also pretty delighted, as he was a genuinely likeable character.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!