10 Unexpected Horror Movie Survivors

2. John Parse - Possessor

The Hunt

There are a lot of things you need to suspend your disbelief for in a sci-fi movie like this. You've got technology capable of letting assassins possess people near their targets, secret organisations and all sorts of sci-fi elements that you've got to believe for the film to work. Still, while all of that stuff is easy, the toughest pill to swallow is having to believe that Sean Bean, of all people, survives this horror movie. What?!

The film follows an assassin called Vos, and the role Bean plays is Vos' prime target. So, not only does John Parse have the Sean Bean death stink running against him, but he's also the sole focus of the protagonist's death gaze for a good chunk of the movie.

Things seem as if they're geared for another Lord of the Rings or Goldeneye for Bean, as Vos brutally attacks him with a fire poker, causing buckets worth of blood and seeming like the end for him. But, in a shocking turn of events, it's revealed later on that he somehow survived this attack.

It's almost as if Sean Bean stood up and said, "no, I'm done, this time I refuse to die!"


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!