10 Unexpected Movie Deaths That Came Out Of NOWHERE

1. Russell Franklin - Deep Blue Sea

Pulp Fiction
Warner Bros.

The most famous shark film that isn't Jaws, Deep Blue Sea essentially owes all of its infamy for one single scene involving Samuel L Jackson and his character Russell Franklin meeting his demise.

The whole film is a bit of a mess, with an absurd plot around genetically engineered sharks being smarter and deadlier before, a whole load of B movie tropes and a painfully low budget look to things. However, it's catapulted into history when the survivors group assemble around a small pool where Sam Jackson begins to deliver a powerful monologue about the need for unity and sticking together.

And then, out of absolutely nowhere, a huge shark bursts out of the water and munches down on the corporate executive. It is an absolutely wild moment that no one could have possibly seen coming, especially so given how much more A-list Jackson was in comparison to the rest of the film's stars.

It's hard to tell whether the filmmakers were going for genuinely saddening and outright terrifying reaction or an attempt at the most hilarious moment in a horror film, however there's no denying just how out there a moment Russell Franklin's death is in the history of cinema.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.