10 Unexpected Reasons Behind Awesome Horror Movie Moments

6. Rick Fought Invisible Freddy Because Of Reshoots - A Nightmare On Elm Street IV: The Dream Master

The Lost Boys David Kiefer Sutherland
New Line Cinema

While it perhaps doesn't rank among the very best kills in the series, there's a sure bizarre charm to poor Rick Johnson's (Andras Jones) demise in A Nightmare on Elm Street IV: The Dream Master.

Rick is killed during a dream where he battles an invisible Freddy (Robert Englund) in a dojo. Martial artist Rick puts up a good fight against him, but ultimately he's killed when Freddy's bladed glove makes a bee-line for his chest and impales him.

While on the surface this seems like yet another creatively twisted death scene that's par the course of the series, it was actually a last-minute reshoot.

Rick was originally supposed to die in an elaborate elevator accident set-piece, yet due to the film's budget running dry, this was scrapped and Rick's death was reconceived as the dojo battle.

And either because the production couldn't pay Robert Englund to portray Freddy during the scene or he wasn't available - depending on which reports you believe - the filmmakers settled on Freddy being invisible throughout the sequence.

Ultimately the heightened, theatrical nature of the scene impressively conceals the fact that it was effectively thrown together at the last minute. Nicely done.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.