10 Unexpectedly Disturbing Film Performances

8. Kevin Spacey As John Doe - Se7en

Similar to Bardem, Kevin Spacey's career had not yet properly taken off until the release of this film, but thanks to his more than noticeable appearance in Se7en, we simply could not get enough of him. Until the film came out, Spacey was a minor player of scarcely noteworthy movies and television shows, utilising his pleasant and calm-sounding voice to appear as harmless and likable as possible. All that changed hugely thanks to his performance as John Doe, the genius serial killer who picks off victims in accordance to the seven deadly sins. The fact that we barely see the character until the film begins to reach a culmination point helps here, as we're constantly trying to figure out and picture our own version of what the killer will look and act like. When Doe announces himself to be the mastermind, he does so in the middle of the police department head quarters, shouting the name of the detectives trying to catch him. That's unsettling as it is, as he does so without an ounce of fear or remorse, giving himself up freely in order to perfect his master plan. But add to that not only his deeds, but the cool, calm voice he uses at all times and you have something which goes deeper than just being creepy and unhinged. Doe is calculated and collected at all times, he always appears to be in control, regardless of whether he's in police custody or not. Spacey delivers a performance so disturbing, it broke new grounds in the mold of modern movie serial killers.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.