10 Unexpectedly Intense Performances In Horror Movies
These eerie performances still haunt us...

Although emotions are often high in storytelling, they are elevated exponentially when it comes to horror. After all, tension should be through the roof if the ensemble are being targeted by a serial killer, a demon, or an evil force beyond comprehension. For this reason, every cast member of a horror project is expected to deliver an intense performance.
However, the entries on this list took things to the extreme. An actor can be so compelling while playing a victim, we may believe they're in actual danger and pain, momentarily forgetting their tears and screams are for show.
On the other hand, an actor can be totally convincing as a masked maniac or a vengeful spirit, to the point where they spawn nightmares which can last a lifetime.
Even though there are many elements that enhance the scare factor in a horror film, including the atmosphere, lighting, music, and the direction, it's these bone-chilling performances that made the biggest difference.
Though these actors were expected to push themselves to their limit for these intense roles, each of them delivered a performance far more unsettling than anyone could've imagined.
10. Mia Goth - Pearl

In Ti West's X prequel, Mia Goth portrays Pearl Douglas, a frustrated farmer who aspires for stardom. And when she learns of a local audition for a touring dance troupe, Pearl will stop at nothing to fulfil her dream.
Though Mia Goth was superb in X, what she does here is something else entirely. While watching the titular antagonist mutilating animals, beating her invalid father, or masturbating to a scarecrow, it's obvious she's out of her mind. However, Goth finds the humanity in the role, depicting Pearl as a person drowning in unfulfilling responsibilities rather than a fame-craving dreamer.
During the climax, Pearl speaks about all her sins, hopes, insecurities, and desires in a riveting eight-minute monologue that highlights how broken she is. She may sound insane during this sequence, but the desperation in her words and eyes is sure to tug on anyone's heartstrings.
Despite the fact Pearl performs many unspeakable acts, the scariest aspect is her unhinged smile. Wicked grins may be a staple of the genre, but it's challenging to think of anyone who's had a smile as horrifying as the one Goth pulls during Pearl's closing credits.