10 Unfilmable Books That Would Make Great Films

4. Blood Meridian, Cormac McCarthy

blood meridian cormac mccarthy How can you tell Cormac McCarthy€™s Blood Meridian is unfilmable? Because they€™ve already made films out of all his other books. No Country For Old Men, All the Pretty Horses, even the €˜unfilmable€™ The Road have all been made to critical success. So what€™s so hard with Blood Meridian? Blood Meridian is an ultra-violent Western set during the mid-1800s. It follows €œthe Kid€, the murderous though enigmatic €˜protagonist€™ of the story, who glides from one gang of scalp-hunters to the next. These Apache-slayers are paid per scalp but eventually turn their violence on natives and settlers alike in something akin to an anarchic genocide. €˜The Kid€™ shows no remorse for his actions, and McCarthy offers no insights into his motivations beyond the financial. What€™s all so unfilmable about this? Well, movie theory stipulates that the protagonist need not be likeable but that they should be understandable; €˜empathy if not sympathy€™ runs the movie mantra. This is so the audience can connect to the story on some level. But that option isn€™t really on the cards here if the film is to be a true adaptation of the book. And if certain changes are made to The Kid€™s character,that would detract heavily from the novel€™s successful presentation of The Kid as this unknowable, yet engrossing, force of nature. Still, anything with €˜based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy€™ is likely to do well at the Box Office. And The Road film adaptation was also a huge surprise. However, it€™s fair to say the film version of The Road lacked most of the atmosphere the book contained, and no camera angles of post-apocalyptic desolation can match McCarthy€™s sinister, stripped-down style of prose. Another issue with Blood Meridian is that Hollywood tends not to go for kids being excessively violent in its films. The Kid€™s age may have to be tinkered with but it is the very youthfulness of The Kid which makes Blood Meridian such a brutal story. McCarthy, at least, offers almost no interior monologue for The Kid and we only learn of what he is thinking through his actions, which is a real bonus for the film adaptation in its visual need to show and not tell the conflict via action. Also, James Franco has expressed an interest in a film adaptation. But with Blood Meridian a kind of Lost in La Mancha-meets- Mad Max, this is one McCarthy novel unlikely to hit the screens soon.
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David Hynes is a freelance writer, working in print, online, on stage and for screen. A film and book enthusiast, he has just finished his first novel.