10 Unfilmed Movie Scenes That Explain Crucial Details

2. How Did Indy Know To Look Away From The Ark? - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

Raiders Of The Lost Ark Indy Marion Ark
Paramount Pictures

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, you'll notice that most characters never make direct contact with the prized Ark of the Covenant, because they know that doing so will do, well, the above. How does Indiana Jones know this, and specifically, that he needs to avert his gaze when the spirit of the Ark is finally released at the end and melts all the Nazi's faces off?

In the movie, Indy meets an old guy who notes that the Ark "is not to be disturbed", but the full, scripted scene expands this, explaining that to do so will bring about sure death, warning Indy that he would need to look away if the Ark was ever opened. There are several other allusions throughout the script also, where Indy prevents characters from touching the Ark and sealing their own fate.

One can only assume they were removed to preserve the rather horrifying surprise at the end of the film (one I remain shocked was allowed in a film permissible for children to watch).

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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.