10 Unforgettable Imaginary Friends In Films

3. The Beaver (The Beaver)

Beaver There are many reasons to love Muppet Treasure Island: Tim Curry as Long John Silver, that 'Cabin Fever' song, Pepe the King Prawn as a pirate, Tim Curry as Long John Silver, that 'Professional Pirate' song, Big-Fat-Ugly-Bug-Faced-Baby-Eating O'Brien, Kermit the Frog in a serious role, Tim Curry as Long John Silver...But there's one joke that is just so stupid, it's impossible not to smile. Adopting the role of Squire Trelawney, it falls to Fozzie Bear to funds the crew's voyage, after being granted permission from the oddly-named Mr. Bimbo. Nothing too unusual with that, except Mr Bimbo lives in the Squire's index finger and is clearly the decision-maker of the two. But the Squire isn't entirely cuckoo; when asked about it he replies, "I'm not talking to my finger! That would be crazy! I'm talking to Mr. Bimbo, the little man who lives inside my finger." Jump forward nineteen years and Mel Gibson has gone one better. His Walter Black is a depressed CEO of a failing toy company, a man kicked out by his wife and driven to suicide.Yet hope arrives in the most unlikely of sources: after rescuing a beaver glove puppet from the rubbish, Walter uses it to wrangle his way back into work and back into his family. He attempts this by speaking 'through' the glove puppet (giving him an inexplicable Cockney accent) as a means of therapy. But his wife (Jodie Foster, who also directed the film) worries that the puppet's outspoken personality is taking over. Fortunately, the use of a band saw means that help is literally at hand. Well, it was hardly pitched as a kids' film, was it?
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.