10 Unintentionally Hilarious Horror Movie Monsters

7. Camerahead - Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)

Chompy & the Girls
Miramax Films

Okay, so, get this; it's a guy with a camera in his head, and he's called Camerahead. It's a far cry from the sheer terror of the first two Hellraiser movies, right? 

The Cenobites are one of horror's best devices for generating disturbing monsters. These sadomasochistic, inter-dimensional beings are a treasure trove of body horror, perversion, and pants-wetting visual effects. But they took a hit in the third movie as a bizarre focus on gimmicks watered down their fear factor, with the worst of these offenders being Camerahead. 

This Cenobite began the movie as a camera guy before being turned into one of the iconic creatures. His camera was lodged into his head, and he became a maniacal creature hellbent on killing protagonist Joey. Sadly, his credibility was shattered by his horribly dated prosthetics, poor acting, and ridiculous ability to cause explosions with his camera lens eye - because everyone knows cameras cause explosions.

Characters like Camerahead felt like this franchise's attempt to modernize, but, dear god, they did not work. What the Hell was wrong with the people who made this movie? 

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!