10 Unintentionally Hilarious Moments In Horror Movies

3. Tent Scene - A Field In England

House Of The Dead
Film4 Productions

A Field in England follows a soldier called Whitehead seeking out an ale house with his compatriots. On their travels, they encounter an alchemist called O' Neill and make him their prisoner. However, O'Neill convinces them to place him in charge after he teases them with the promise of buried treasure.

O'Neill finds Whitehead difficult to manipulate so he takes him into a tent to torture him. We don't see what unspeakable horrors O'Neill inflicts upon him but we can imagine since we hear Whitehead's screams of agony. He then stumbles out of the tent, draped in a rope, showing that he is now fully subservient to his master.

Reece Shearsmith, who portrays Whitehead, was supposed to come out of the tent looking shocked and stunned. However, Shearsmith wanted to convey that his character's mind snapped and so, trudges out grinning from ear-to-ear. It's an interesting take by the actor but the decision cuts the tension. We're expecting to see a broken man walk out of the tent and instead, we see someone smiling like the Joker. It doesn't help that the shot holds on Whitehead's demented look for an unbroken three-minute shot!

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