10 Unknown Actors Who Stole Movies Out From Their Famous Leads

9. Brad Dourif - One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Stole The Movie Out From: Jack Nicholson Jack Nicholson was terrific in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest; incredible even. He was just the right blend of manic and angry, and absolutely tore up the screen. With all that raw energy something was needed as an antidote - balancing the film's emotive pull - and that came in the shape of Brad Dourif. He may have gone on to make a habit out of playing psychopaths and sleazes, but here he is quiet, shy and likeable. He gives the audience something to latch onto; a place to sit and view Jack Nicholson at his best, while still holding his own and playing the part to perfection. Even though Nicholson was the star of the show and rightly so, Dourif was the platform that allowed the film its impact. There's a reason we mourned Billy more than McMurphy, and that is because we had a character we could sympathise with. It was an encapsulating performance which earned the actor a supporting Oscar nomination. An honourable mention should also go to the quiet giant Chief Bromden - played by the late Will Sampson - who guides the film in its monumental conclusion.

I love all things imaginative, from the page to the screen, and nurture a soft spot for Donald Sutherland and Daniel Bryan.