10 Unnecessary Horror Movie Details You NEED To Know

9. The Green Inferno - The Locals Found Cannibal Holocaust Hilarious

Jason Voorhees Josh Voorhees Friday the 13th Part IV
Open Road Pictures

Eli Roth is known around the horror community for being an artist of acquired taste and for the multitude of ghastly violence seen in his features, so ostensible that seemingly no prop or effect ever goes to waste. When working on one of his more recent films - The Green Inferno - the indigenous people living on the sight of shooting were introduced to a grislier, more sadistic film from years past: Cannibal Holocaust.

When it was released all the way back in 1980, Holocaust was immediately refused both classification and release in numerous territories. It became notorious in the Western hemisphere for its depiction of cruel violence, especially towards animals - which was, in fact, genuine animal cruelty and murder. The veracity of apathy outweighs the audacity, apparently.

The film became infamous for being compiled into the "video nasty" collection (ask your parent's kids). So, with us being somewhat desensitized to it, what exactly would be the reaction for an entire tribe of people who'd never seen a film in the entirety of their lives? Well, in the case of the Amazonians, at least, they found it f**king hilarious. They actually exclaimed that it was the funniest thing they'd ever witnessed.



My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com