10 Unnecessary Horror Movie Details You NEED To Know

4. Scream - Drew Barrymore Came Up With Her Opening Scene Death

Jason Voorhees Josh Voorhees Friday the 13th Part IV
Dimension Films

Who can forget that iconic opening scene from the first Scream? Although Alfred Hitchcock played a similar trick 36 years before Scream was even ready for release, Wes Craven's film took it up a notch. He cranked the dial past 11 and completely ripped the **** off, but despite Craven himself actually bringing this idea to the forefront and following through with it in the possibly the most shocking subversion, it may even be more shocking to know that Drew Barrymore conceptualised it.

Her theory was simple. With the intention of subverting the audience's expectations at the front of her mind, she decided that, in her own words, "In the horror film genre, my biggest pet peeve was that I always knew the main character was going to be slugging through at the end, but was going to creak by and make it. What I wanted to do is to take that comfort zone away. So I asked if I could be Casey Becker so we would establish this rule does not apply in this film."

It's as flabbergastingly harrowing as it is remedial to the horror genre and a reminder of just what can be accomplished when some very competent people on both sides of the camera pitch interesting ideas. After all, Scream jolted a surge of reinvigoration into a genre that most presumed to be stagnating, if not six feet deep.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com