10 Unnecessary Horror Movie Details You NEED To Know

2. The Blair Witch Project - People Sent Lead Actors Mother Sympathy Cards

Jason Voorhees Josh Voorhees Friday the 13th Part IV
Haxan Films

If you're old enough to remember the eccentric marketing campaign for The Blair Witch Project all the way back in 1998/99, then you'll probably recall feeling generally confused at the wanted posters that literally said the "actors" participating in this film were dead before the footage was found. Hence where the name "found footage" comes from. Even if you're not a decrepit relic like the person writing this and therefore you don't remember it, one person certainly does: main star Heather Donahue's mother.

Heather's ma was bombarded with sympathy card after sympathy card once the locals around her neighbourhood caught wind of the campaign. Lest we forget, this was a time before mobile phones were as essential as oxygen and medicine, so there was absolutely no way to disprove Heather was indeed deceased.

The mother, however, was understandably incensed. She'd genuinely started to buy into the idea that maybe her daughter had actually succumbed to the fictitious witch which resided in the Black Hills of Burkittsville.

That poor woman. Could you imagine the mortician's perplexed reaction when she turned up looking for a living corpse?


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com