10 Unreleased Cuts Of Movies That Are Probably Terrible

2. Suicide Squad: The Ayer Cut

Suicide Squad
Warner Bros.

It's little secret that 2016's Suicide Squad was put through the studio mangle, with several competing cuts being created and tested in post-production. As a result, the final cut was a more fast-paced, choppy product than director David Ayer's original vision.

In light of the successful #ReleaseTheSnyderCut campaign, Ayer kickstarted his own quest to get the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad released, which would restore his more elaborate 40-minute opening, numerous scenes featuring Jared Leto's Joker, larger roles for many supporting characters - including Ben Affleck's Batman - and remove the excessive pop music selections.

Ayer claimed that the film was re-edited without his involvement following the backlash against Batman v Superman, and that his "soulful drama was beaten into a 'comedy.'"

Ayer also added that his darker, more character-driven version of the film simply required VFX work to be completed before it could be released, perhaps on HBO Max like the Snyder Cut.

However, Warner Bros. has repeatedly stated their lack of interest in the Ayer Cut, so without the groundswell of social media support that the Snyder Cut got it seems a rather dim prospect.

Plus, given Ayer's massive lack of consistency as a filmmaker, it's incredibly easy to believe that his Suicide Squad was a big 'ol mess of moods and ideas, and while probably better than the movie we got, likely wouldn't deliver fully on its promise.

Considering that James Gunn's recent R-rated sequel(ish) released to strong acclaim, it's probably for the best if we all just move on with our lives - most of all Ayer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.