10 Unused Star Wars Scenes That Would Have Changed Everything

8. Grand Moff Jerjerrod Vs Darth Vader

Star Wars C3PO

Return of the Jedi features the character Grand Moff Jerjerrod, the hapless Death Star commander whose primary purpose is to be utterly terrified by the knowledge the Emperor is coming to the battle station to cast a jaundiced, evil eye over his progress.

The original cuts of the movie featured an expanded role for Jerjerrod, including the Emperor ordering him to blow up Endor when the Death Star II's shields go down. The most significant loss, however, was a scene where he encounters Darth Vader for a second time.

Evidently having grown a spine since the opening scene, Jerjerrod refuses Darth Vader leave to enter the Emperor's throne room. Vader responds with his customary Force choke, almost killing Jerjerrod until he explains the Emperor himself gave the order.

The scene completely alters the power dynamic of the Empire. Darth Vader is a commanding, unquestioned force in Return of the Jedi, answering only to the Emperor. Jerjerrod's obstruction of Vader suggests the Imperial officers are on a par with Vader, a situation much more in keeping with the polticis of the Death Star's commanders in A New Hope.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.