10 Unused X-Men Villains MCU Phase 4 Could Introduce

7. Sauron

Omega Red

Who? Dr. Karl Lycos was bitten by mutant pterodactyls. I know...your next two questions are What? and How?

To give details on Sauron, you first have to establish the setting in which he's known for: The Savage Land. In the Marvel comics, this is a hidden pre-historic area. While tropical in climate, it actually resides where no one can find it in Antarctica. Something, something ancient aliens...Anyway, back to Sauron!

Lycos started as a normal human who was bitten in his youth while exploring with his father who worked as a guide. After the encounter, he developed a need to absorb people's energy and he fled back to the Savage Land, where I would assume, its easier to live life as a dino-human hybrid with superpowers.

How he fits in the MCU: I'm not going to lie, I think this is one of the weirder and least likely choices. However, it could still work if Kevin Feige decided to pair the unearthing of the Savage Land with the discovery of Atlantis (Namor anyone?). Dr. Lycos could just be shown in his human form as an associate of Professor Xavier.

They could hint at his eventual heel-turn or even go deeper into his transformation.

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A humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate