10 Upcoming Films You'll See Even If The Reviews Are Terrible

2. Transformers 5

Release Date: Unknown (but probably July 2016). What's It About: Not officially confirmed, the biggest box office total of the year means it's only a matter of time before Paramount announce a sequel to this summer's Age Of Extinction. Rumours are circulating that the subtitle could be Galvatron Rising, which ties in pretty well to the climax of the latest. With Optimus Prime heading off into space in search of their creators (we think Bay must have been watching Prometheus when writing the script), the fourth film did suggest a space-set entry, more in line with the original animated film. Although with Mark Wahlberg and the other human leads locked into three-film contacts there's likely to still be some goofy Earth happenings. Why You'll See It: No we're not going crazy and actually looking forward to this. Transformers: Age Of Extinction is indeed one of the worst films of the year, it's massive haul only further testament that the majority of the movie going audience will watch anything. And that's exactly the point. Ever since Bay's first Transformers turned a bright marketing cartoon is a leering military showcase film fans have had this masochistic desire to see just how consistently awful it can be. And you can bet two years from now we'll be there in line ready to punish ourselves again.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.