10 Upcoming Horror Sequels NOBODY Expected

Nobody saw these horror sequels coming.


There's no movie genre that's more fond of sequels than horror, because accepting Hollywood's craven desire for franchises and - wait for it - "IP", horror fans generally want to see more of something they had fun with the first time.

While many horror films make it clear that they've got the makings of a franchise from the outset, others don't really leave the door open at all. But that won't necessarily stop studios and filmmakers from trying to make gory fetch happen regardless, because if there's money to be made, a horror sequel is surely going to happen eventually.

And that's evidently true of the following recently confirmed horror sequels, each of which seemed like they just weren't meant to happen. From sequels that don't seem to make a whole lot of sense on paper to those that missed their apparent window of opportunity years, even decades ago, nobody expected these sequels to actually be a thing.

It of course remains to be seen how each one will turn out, but given the talent involved in many of these follow-ups, there's good reason to be optimistic.

10. Crawl 2


2019's creature feature Crawl fared well with critics and grossed an impressive $91 million against a mere $15 million budget, but given the rather singular nature of its premise - focused on a father and daughter who fend off alligators in the middle of a hurricane - did anyone expect to see a sequel?

Furthermore, as solidly regarded as the movie is, it's hardly had much cultural staying power over the last six years - that is to say, there hasn't been much sustained online chatter about it since it came out. 

If a Crawl sequel was going to happen to capitalise on the original's success, it probably should've been made within two or three years of its release. And yet, after years of director Alexandre Aja teasing a potential sequel, Crawl 2 was finally confirmed last August, with Aja returning to helm a script by Andrew Deutschman and Jason Pagan.

If you were wondering how a similarly torrid situation could befall the same people twice without it seeming totally ridiculous, Aja has instead conceived Crawl 2 as a standalone sequel focused on a new cast who face off against a fleet of animals that escape from New York’s Central Park Zoo during a storm.

While Paramount would've probably loved to see Kaya Scodelario back in the lead role given the first film's success, it would've been straining credibility to near-snapping point to have her protagonist fighting for her life yet again.

At least with Aya directing once more, Crawl 2 should deliver another round of nail-biting, white-knuckle thrills.

In this post: 
Fall Fall 2
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.