10 Upcoming Movie Cameos You Don't Know About

9. Lynda Carter - Wonder Woman 1984

Supergirl Lynda Carter
The CW

Wonder Woman 1984 is a film shrouded in intense mystery surrounding the involvement of both Chris Pine and Pedro Pascal, but there's another role that Warner Bros. is desperately trying to keep under wraps.

Lynda Carter, who of course played Wonder Woman in the iconic 1970s TV series, is sure-as-dammit going to appear in the movie, given that she confirmed she was in talks to make a cameo and, better still, was spotted in the same area the movie was shooting last summer.

Carter was supposed to make a cameo appearance in the first Wonder Woman, but scheduling issues prevented it from happening.

Given its stonking critical and commercial success, it's tough to imagine Carter not finding time to appear in the sequel, especially as director Patty Jenkins was said to be lobbying hard for the cameo.

And even if Jenkins and Carter somehow haven't been able to film the cameo yet despite all the evidence to the contrary, Wonder Woman 1984 is still almost 9 months away from release, so they've got so much time to hook this up.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.