10 Upcoming Movie Reboots Literally Nobody Is Asking For

9. Planet Of The Apes

Cliffhanger Why
20th Century Fox

Even though we literally just saw three Planet of the Apes movies that combined to form one of modern cinema's greatest trilogies, which itself was a reboot of the five movies that arrived between 1968 and 1973 and were then spun off into a TV show, the original of which was remade by Tim Burton over 20 years later, a new adventure for our advanced simian friends is already in the works.

Matt Reeves' War for the Planet of the Apes may have drawn a definitive line under Caesar's story, but it also brought the combined box office total for the reboot trilogy to over $1.5bn. Hollywood is very reluctant to leave any money on the table these days, especially Disney, who now own the rights to the franchise.

The Maze Runner's Wes Ball was hired to direct the latest outing, and while he wouldn't flat-out call it a reboot, he admitted that it would take place in the same universe as the last three movies, but would focus on an entirely new set of characters and their subsequent adventures. So, a reboot, then.

Ball's attempt at following an all-timer of a trilogy, after handling one of his own so unremarkably with The Maze Runner, isn't exactly going to build much excitement for a new installment in a franchise that audiences aren't exactly crying out for to begin with.

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