10 Upcoming Movie Sequels That Aren't What You Think

10. Rambo: Last Blood ISN'T The Final Rambo Movie

Rambo Last Blood Sylvester Stallone

The long-gestating fifth entry into the Rambo franchise has been presented to fans as a more restrained, western-esque action thriller which, by virtue of its title, will bring John Rambo's (Sylvester Stallone) cinematic journey to its inevitable end.

The trailer looks pretty damn solid and it's easy to be optimistic that Last Blood might conclude the franchise on something approaching a high note - not that the bar's been set particularly high.

But then Stallone couldn't resist dashing those hopes by "assuring" fans that if the fifth film is a success, it won't be the end for Rambo.

In a recent interview he said, "I thought Rocky 3 was the last, you know. So I don’t know anything...If it works I’ll just keep going, you know because I enjoy it so much."

So, that pretty much confirms that Rambo won't be dying at the end of the movie, or in the very least, not in an unambiguous manner. He's not going the Logan route, basically.

Going by the series' prior naming conventions, does this mean we're in store for Rambo: Last Blood Part II in the near-future? Oh dear.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.