10 Upcoming Movies Destined To Bomb At The Box Office

8. The Flash

Morbius  movie
Warner Bros.

One of several movies on this list to seem like a failure-in-waiting thanks to an increasingly troubled production, The Flash has been a long time coming, and has therefore slipped from most people's minds.

Between its struggles to pen a finished script or find a willing director to bring things to life, The Flash's production has been one of near-misses and continuous stop-and-starts, so much so that there have been times where it looked like it wouldn't be made at all.

On top of that, the rest of the DCEU has had so many setbacks - from the recent Joss Whedon scandal, Ben Affleck retiring from the role of Batman, and Justice League's general existence - that the hype surrounding an Ezra Miller solo adventure has thoroughly died down.

It won't a debilitating failure by any stretch, but compared to previous films and other superhero flicks in its orbit, The Flash won't be anything to write home about when its finally released in 2023.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.