10 Upcoming Movies With Incredibly Stupid Titles

1. Terminator: Genisys

The Film: Terminator is such a brilliant idea with so many avenues to explore it's not surprising to see it brought back every few years. Its machines sending robots back in time plot allows for all manner of movies - anything from contemporary actions flicks with slight sci-fi trappings to all-out dystopian war-torn future. The success of these outings has varied, with the best entry in the mythology since series creator James Cameron left after Terminator 2: Judgment Day being the cancelled TV series The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Next year's reboot, sequel, prequel (time travel makes it really complicated) will try to best that with a plot that sees all major players from the story so far brought together. The Title: Originally the film was called Terminator: Genesis, which wasn't perfect (it's another fancy term for reboot/origin story), but given the suggested plot it kinda worked. Then, on 6th August 2014 we all learned it had been changed to (and brace yourself here) Terminator: Genisys. At first we thought Paramount didn't understand April Fools was a once a year thing, but then it sank in; they were serious. Putting other "this is kinda techy, right?" titles like Die Hard 4.0 (the international title for Live Free Or Die Hard) to shame with its ridiculousness. Allegedly the change was made to fit the plot of the movie, although if the finished product has something called Genisys (a computer system called Geni?) then we think another rewrite may have been required. What's the most ridiculous movie title, past or future, that you can think of? Let us know in the comments below.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.