10 Upcoming Movies With Incredibly Stupid Titles

9. Knights Of The Roundtable: King Arthur

The Film: Guy Ritchie is currently hard at work on The Man From U.N.C.L.E., a reboot of the sixties TV series that's only taking the very basic concept as inspiration for a new story (hey, don't let The Lone Ranger's example stop you), but after that he'll be helping Warner Bros. try and fill their Harry Potter void with a new adaptation of the King Arthur story that hopes to kick-off a multi-part fantasy franchise. Charlie Hunnam will play the sword-mover and Idris Elba will be one of the Knights Of The Roundtable. The Title: Let's get this straight from the start - it's Round Table, not Roundtable. The table is round, it's not some mystical name that gives the knights power or anything else. Never in the history of the legend has it been Roundtable and if this is going to be this wannabe franchise's idea of reinvention we're not confident. Why not call them Nights just to complete the stupidity? But that's not the worst thing about Knights Of The Roundtable: King Arthur's name; don't you think the title's are the wrong way round? King Arthur is surely the main draw, with the Knights his posse, so why does he get second billing? Maybe the plan is to have this grammatically confused Knights be the real stars, but until that becomes the case it's a dumb name.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.