10 Upcoming Movies Nobody Asked For

1. The Crow

The Crow 2024

Sometimes when a movie takes so long to get made, it's a sign that the universe - or rather, people - don't want it to happen. Or at least, they don't want it to happen like this.

A remake of Alex Proyas' superb The Crow - itself an adaptation of James O'Barr's work - has been in various stages of development since 2008, with numerous actors attached to portray Eric Draven, including Bradley Cooper, Luke Evans, Jack Huston, Tom Hiddleston, and Jason Momoa.

Well, The Crow remake is finally releasing this August, with Bill SkarsgĂ„rd starring as Draven and Rupert Sanders (Ghost in the Shell) directing. There was already an overpowering feeling of "Why?" from fans of the original, and that was only exacerbated when the first trailer recently dropped.

The original's heightened sense of style has been replaced with an overly clean, crisp digital look, The Crow's new design looks... not great, and it feels like it's trying way too hard to imitate both Joker and the John Wick movies.

Both Proyas and the comic book's creator O'Barr have been pretty firmly against the idea of a remake, and considering what's being served up in a few short months, it's tough to blame them. Expect this to come and go in a flash, being confined to the trashcan of history in short order while the 1994 original lives on as a bonafide cult classic.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.