10 Upcoming Movies Spoiled By Their Trailers

5. The Judge

51Warner Bros. PicturesRelease Date: October 10 (USA) October 24 (UK) In what looks to be Robert Downey Jr's first 'serious' role in a while, The Judge is a drama due to release in October this year. The film sees Downey's character as a big city lawyer, who returns to his childhood home to defend his father in a murder trial. With about as much subtlety as a bright red sign saying "ESTRANGEMENT!", the trailer quickly makes it clear that The Judge's main story is actually about the father and son reconnecting, rather than the trial itself. We see the past dug up, problems outed and several clear indications of the plot's final, redeeming climax. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBvK6ni97W8

Tom Butler hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.