10 Upcoming Movies You Should Stop Reading Spoilers For Right Now

10. Deadpool

After an incredibly successful clip of test footage leaked online a couple of months ago showed 20th Century Fox there was an appetite for more of the character butchered in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it was finally announced there's going to be a Deadpool movie. And now the undoubted partying from the announcement that the fourth-wall punching mutant getting his own big screen outing has died down maybe we can now deal with this rationally. With Ryan Reynolds reported to return (Fox, with X-Men, are much keener on mantaining their continuity than Sony with Spider-Man) this has potential to be a big, adult hit that appeals to both die hards and more sceptical general audiences. By even existing, however, the film's shot itself in the foot. What made the Deadpool test footage so entertaining was that it was incredibly unexpected; it was the most exciting thing from a convention that also brought first looks at two big superhero team-ups. From its very existence a feature film could never recreate that level of surprise, but with Deadpool a remarkably unpredictable character there is a chance for it to work. But only if audiences don't know all his winks and quips before going in.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.