10 Upcoming Movies That Are Doomed To Fail

8. Morbius

Mads Mikkelson

While Sony's next attempt at draining the comic book adoring fanbase's pockets does come very much well stocked in the superhero department that seems to be the financial gift that keeps on giving for the likes of Marvel Studios and Warner Bros. (on occasion), it's still unfortunately lacking on one front.

That being the fact that said superhero, Morbius, isn't what you'd call the most well-known of crime-fighters. To go with Jared Leto's little-known soon-to-be vampire leading light, the overall tone of the incoming Sony Spider-Man universe arrival seems to suggest that director Daniel Espinosa is very much leaning into the horror and unsettling genre elements with Morbius too. And both of those elements don't exactly scream out "let's go and watch this new Marvel flick for our next family outing together, darling!", do they?

Also, while Leto will undoubtedly throw his everything into his portrayal of Dr. Michael Morbius (the actor has gone through his usual dramatic physical transformation for the role), he still doesn't possess the drawing power of, say, a Tom Hardy; a presence that unquestionably aided Venom in its overall quest for success.

While the end product could be interesting, don't expect Morbius to suck the blood out of the box office.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...