10 Upcoming Movies That Could Score 100% On Rotten Tomatoes

2. The Hateful Eight

Everybody remembers the uproar that went down earlier in the year when Quentin Tarantino's screenplay for his upcoming western, The Hateful Eight, found itself unceremoniously leaked onto the internet. The director threatened to sue website Gawker for linking to the material, and then - like a spoiled child - he decided that he wasn't going to make the movie anymore. Then he changed his mind. Poised as something akin to "Reservoir Dogs meets Django Unchained," The Hateful Eight looks to match the former's claustrophobic tendencies and ensemble cast with the western deconstructionist traits of the latter. Starring Tarantino regulars Samuel L. Jackson, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen and Kurt Russell, the flick will also feature Channing Tatum, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Bruce Dern. In short, it's going to rock. Having read the script (which has presumably been tweaked since the leak; a new ending has been contrived, for one), there's a surefire chance that this movie could wind up with a 100% score - it's a brilliant hybrid of classic Tarantino and contemporary Tarantino, clinging to a plot about a bunch of outlaws who find themselves hold up in a remote cabin as tensions mount and alliances begin to form and fade. Done right, it could turn out to be Tarantino's best movie to date.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.