10 Upcoming Movies That Have Ignored Major Mistakes

9. Building A Cinematic Universe Nobody Cares About - Godzilla Vs. Kong

Godzilla Vs Kong
Warner Bros.

The Mistake

Now, on paper the idea of a movie which pits Godzilla against King Kong might sound cool, but the upcoming film is unfortunately tethered to something of a tainted brand - Warner Bros.' "MonsterVerse."

With Godzilla: King of the Monsters both receiving negative reviews and under-performing at the box office last year, enthusiasm for a follow-up, no matter its enticing gimmick, is sure to be quite muted.

The problem, it seems, is that audiences just aren't interested in a cinematic universe featuring these IP, likely explaining why Warner Bros. delayed the film by a whole eight months, to create some distance from the Godzilla sequel's failure.

But given that Godzilla vs. Kong features many of the same human characters who appeared in King of the Monsters, it won't really be able to pretend that it's its own separate entity.

The Lesson

2017's The Mummy reboot is a classic example, given that it was supposed to be the jumping-off point for Universal's Dark Universe, comprising a shared universe of iconic monster movie reboots such as Frankenstein and The Invisible Man.

But in addition to being a terrible movie on its own de-merits, The Mummy's frequent brand-baiting mostly just left audiences cringing at the sheer desperation of it all.

With its critical and commercial failure, the message from the world was simple: focus on making one good movie before you consider an interconnected franchise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.