10 Upcoming Movies That Have Ignored Major Mistakes

7. Deliberately Betraying The Source Material - Uncharted

Uncharted Tom Holland
Naughty Dog

The Mistake

It's hard to know what to make of Sony's upcoming Uncharted video game adaptation, given that it seems wholly committed to directly betraying the source material.

First and foremost, the film will serve as an origin story for hero Nathan Drake, and while there were sequences in the third and fourth games featuring a young Nate, they worked as minor diversions rather than the actual meat of the narrative.

And then there's casting Tom Holland who, while an extremely talented actor, doesn't seem remotely right to play a young Nate. He's clearly more comfortable as endearingly awkward characters and that's...exactly what Nate shouldn't be.

Sony, was it really that hard to just cast Pedro Pascal as Nate?

The Lesson

Though video game movies are admittedly getting better at treating the source material with the reverence it deserves, there are still dozens of examples where the original "text" has been more or less disregarded.

Take Paul W.S. Anderson's first Resident Evil movie, which ditches almost all of the series' mythology save for the Umbrella Corporation and a licker-like final antagonist, instead inventing its own hero (Milla Jovovich) for reasons that still remain unclear.

And Resident Evil isn't even that bad a movie, but it is nevertheless proof of how to piss off the fans who, through their patronage, actually allowed the adaptation to exist in the first place.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.