10 Upcoming Movies That Might Be Better Than Expected

These movies just might surpass your expectations.

Scream 7 Good
Paramount Pictures

As moviegoers, we tend to think we've got pretty good instincts about whether a movie is going to be good or not. 

Audiences have become incredibly savvy at sniffing out a dud in the making, no matter how well the studio might try to conceal it in their marketing.

Yet it's always nice to be pleasantly surprised - to be flat-out wrong about a movie that invites low expectations, and yet, surprisingly ends up wildly over-delivering.

It may not happen very often, but when it does it's a great feeling, that something you had little-to-no hope for was actually made with artistry, skill, and enthusiasm.

And in the case of these 10 upcoming movies, each has certainly invited its fair share of pre-release scepticism, to be kind. 

Perhaps it's impossible to ignore the reports of horrible test screenings and endless reshoots, or maybe the trailers just don't look so hot.

But there are also reasons to believe that each of these films could actually turn out far better than the vocal majority thinks. Time will tell as it always does, but you shouldn't count these movies out just yet...

10. Until Dawn

Scream 7 Good

There was many raised eyebrows when a film adaptation of hit cinematic horror game Until Dawn was first announced. 

On one hand, some decried that the game's more high-profile cast members - namely Rami Malek and Hayden Panettiere - wouldn't appear in the film, but on the other, many questioned the point of adapting a video game into a movie which already feels so heavily indebted to cinema. Beyond the obvious financial incentive, of course.

But then the first trailer for Until Dawn dropped, and everything changed.

It turns out that the movie appears to be a rather clever remix of the game's concept, with the central victims sent back to the start of a time loop every time they're murdered. And as a cherry on top, each new loop appears to take place in a different horror subgenre.

The only way for the group to escape? Survive - you guessed it - until dawn.

While purists might balk at the deviations from the game's story and concept, it at least seems like an inspired attempt to avoid merely rehashing the already-cinematic source material.

And with reliable director David F. Sandberg (Lights Out, Shazam!) at the helm, there's every possibility that this is one of 2025's big surprise hits.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.